Getting the Most Out of Your Trial

Monitoring Yottaa's Impact

Yottaa makes eCommerce sites faster by sequencing the loading of the third parties based on rules from our library of hundreds of third parties. For paying customers, Yottaa optimizes 99 percent of traffic, leaving one percent unoptimized so that users can compare their optimized and unoptimized site traffic. During your trial, Yottaa only optimizes 50 percent of traffic to ensure that the software aggregates enough unoptimized traffic for a meaningful comparison.

You can monitor your site's improvement on the Homepage. For a more detailed breakdown by device, you can go to the YottaaYottaa's Impact Dashboard. To open the dashboard, click Dashboards > Yottaa's Impact. The dashboard includes boxes that show Yottaa's impact on all traffic, as well as traffic broken down by device and metric.

During your trial, non-Yottaa analytics tools like Google Analytics and Adobe Analytics will not accurately show your improvement with Yottaa because they are also capturing the 50% of unoptimized traffic.

The data is most accurate when the type of traffic (for example, unoptimized desktop traffic) has more than 100 page views. Use the table at the bottom of the Yottaa's Impact dashboard to check the number of page views for each type of traffic.

Yottaa begins displaying data within an hour of activation. However, the data may change over the first few days as Yottaa aggregates a larger data set.

Understanding Your Configuration

Yottaa automatically applies a set of rules to improve your site speed. To better understand these rules, see Your Site Configuration.

Understanding and Monitoring Violations

Another way to monitor your performance is to look at page delay violations. Page delay violations occur when any resource on your site slows down page load time. You can see which third parties are causing page delay violations, and to what extent Yottaa is preventing them, in Inventory > Performance. The Yottaa's Impact dashboard also shows your improvement in terms of page delay violations. For more on violations, see Violations .